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Features / Usability

Image appears as icon only

posts: 2

I have tried for over a week now to resolve this and clearly I am missing something.

I have a brand new installation and each time I upload an image (I use the File Galleries), the image appears to upload correctly (no errors) but it will not display a thumbnail of the image.
The images are all jpg file and they are recognised as such as it does show a red jpg icon, I have checked the settings and it is picking up the GD application, I have disabled Ajax as I have read that might cause an issue

If I look at the wiki page with the image on it it doesnt show anything there either

Can anyone offer any suggestions, I am sure I am just overlooking something.

Thank you

posts: 215

This may not be your problem, but you get strange results when you upload a jpeg file to the File Gallery that is encoded CMYK instead of RGB.

Use your browser's "open file" to open the original jpg file. If you get a red x, the jpeg may be encoded CMYK.

In my experience, the CMYK encoded jpeg files will upload fine to File Galleries, will show a thumbnail after the upload, and will display a thumbnail pop up if you hover over the image name in the gallery file list. But you will get a red x if you try to display the file as an image on a wiki page, or if you select Display from the Actions sub menu in the gallery file list.

posts: 2

Thanks, just tried what you suggested and the image opens fine. To be sure I opened several images and all open fine direct in the browser.

Is it possible that something is not set correctly in the php.ini file as I had my isp make changes to that because some of the admin pages werent loading correctly. I had them increase the memory size to fix that problem.