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Help! I can't edit any pages

posts: 257 United States

As admin I click edit page and I get a blank screen!

As far as what I was doing just before this, I had just created a category (my first) and assigned pages to it in order to limit permissions to those pages to certain groups. Not sure why that would prevent editing -I'm a member of all the permitted groups. And when tiki goes totally blank; i.e., with no error message, I worry.

And I can't edit any pages, not just the ones I was trying to protect.

And ideas what can cause this behavior?

posts: 1563 Germany

Hi Unclegeo,

please check the Memory limit (/tiki-phpinfo.php) and tell us the Tikiversion.

depending on the version the memory limit should be:

64MB lower than Tiki6
128MB Tiki6 to Tiki8
256MB Tiki9 upwards


posts: 257 United States

Tiki 7.2

So it looks like the memory limit's too low, though things were working fine for months until I monkeyed with categories and permissions today.

Do I need to I change that? Do I need to call my host?

posts: 257 United States

By the way thanks Torsten!

I called my host they say my php.ini in my root directory is 256M. I'm not sure what the tiki-phpinfo.php is reading but host tech says tiki is only using 64m.

He found that tiki is not looking at the root public HTML directory for the php. He copied the PHP.ini to the directory where tiki is installed and http://pocketprogressive.org/tiki-phpinfo.php now shows 256M.

Yet I still get a blank window when I go to edit pages.

I do plan to upgrade to 8.4 which I apparently have to do manually as Simple Scripts doesn't seem to like to install 8.4 according to the Blue Host tech.

Would I be best off upgrading or holding off until we fix this issue?

posts: 1563 Germany


you website says, that you use Tiki 4.3

and yes, I'd suggest to find out first, what causes the issue.

To specify the non-edit-but-blank-page issue:

a) can you access the editor to edit the page, but after saving you get a blank page? (/tiki-editpage.php?page=pagename)

b) what happened then after reloading the page?


c) you cannot access the editor at all?

posts: 257 United States

I never get to the edit view page: If I'm on the page (reading it) and I click "edit page" I get the blank window.

And that 4.3 thing is weird! I know it's 7.4 and it said that an hour ago before I called the Hosting people to check on the memory problem.

I had also asked about a problem I've had upgrading to 8.4 and the tech tried some things (htaccess, php.ini)and now it says 4.3! It looks to me like it's 7.2 though -i.e. nothing has changed. This is what it's said in the past for every upgrade I've tried to do since 4.3 and Simple Scripts always hangs and I have to call the hosting people and then we eventually get it upgraded.

Another tech helped me root around looking for where it's picking up that 4.3 version number but we could not find it.

posts: 257 United States

Hey, Rick!

Cleared Tiki Cache -no dice.

I'm using Milkyway without mods except for some color value changes in the CSS -done ages ago.

Under PHP Error Reporting Level I chose "Report all PHP errors" and "Visible to admnins only". I went to a page, clicked edit and got the blank screen again -no error reporting is visible on that blank screen. I went back to the home page url and no errors were visible (I am logged in as admin).

Just for fun I did a "view source" on one of the blank pages and all that shows up is a single digit: 1

posts: 257 United States

-Yes, any wiki page but blog posts are fine.

-Edit is unavailable as admin or as a user with edit permission.

Torsten is helping too -I gave him the keys so he can blow around in there. I suspect (without any evidence) that the version problem I've had for years now has finally caused changes in the database that are not being fixed when I've upgraded. Parts of the MySQL tables actually say 4.2! And I've done the update database thing after each install.

I have backed up the Tiki Install and the Database and if all else fails maybe I can manually update to 8.4 and any corrupted php files will be replaced. As you see, I'm out of my league and wild ass guessing here.

I do appreciate the help from you both -Tiki Community is a great community!

posts: 1563 Germany

Hi Rick,

slightly different behaviour in Firefox and in Chrome:


Firefox: a blank page

Chrome an error 500 message (by the browser and not by Tiki):

Beim Abrufen von http://pocketprogressive.org/tiki-editpage.php?page=Test ist auf der Website ein Fehler aufgetreten. Möglicherweise wird sie gerade gewartet oder ist falsch konfiguriert.
Laden Sie diese Webseite später erneut.
HTTP-Fehler 500 (Internal Server Error): Beim Versuch des Servers, die Anforderung zu verarbeiten, ist eine unerwartete Bedingung aufgetreten."

I could not change the language of Chrme (whilst with the blank page in Firefox the successful change did not be any use 😉 ) -> so I translate quick and dirty:

"Server error
At the time of calling http://pocketprogressive.org/tiki-editpage.php?page=Test an error appeared on the website. Possibly it is just beeing maintained or falsely configured.
Reload the website later.
HTTP error 500 (internal server error): trying to process the request an unexpected condition has taken place."

@ Unclegeo:

What exactly did you do to the website or server between the last successful edit and the first blank page on edit?


posts: 257 United States

1) One of my users created a whole pile of new pages that should have been hidden from view but were not. I created a category and assigned all those pages to it and then assigned the permissions to the category (as a quicker way than setting perms on individual pages). There is only one category on the site as this was my first time using categories. I did, at one point, enable "Wiki: Force and limit categorization to within subtree of" to "All" so users would have to choose a category -and therefore permission level- but something weird happened, I don't remember what, so I set it back to "none".

2) I was attaching a bunch of files to a wiki page: http://pocketprogressive.org/tiki-index.php?page=Pocket+Pals and set permissions for Anonymous for downloading. After I uploaded a bunch of files I turned on "Use file galleries for wiki attachments" in the File Gallery admin. A new gallery was created called Pocket Pals in the file gallery area with no files in it. My files disappeared from the page so I deleted the gallery, made sure "Use file gallerioes..." was still enabled and attached them all again to the Pocket Pals page and they showed up on the page and in a gallery called Pocket Pals like they were supposed to.

3) I enabled "Display properties in the context menu" and "Display replace menu in context menu" which gave me the ability to upload a new version of a file (I had to delete and re-upload before).

4) I had called Blue Host to find out why I could not upgrade to 8.4 through Simple Scripts installer. The tech changed some things (I don't know what). This may have been where it started to report v4.3.

4) I called Blue Host when the version showed up as v4.3 and a nice lady tech dug around and tried to find out why. We backed up the database and the Tiki files and tried to reset the database from within Tiki -Tiki still reports in general v4.3. But it had been previously reporting, ever since the last upgrade, v7.2 which was correct.

5) I'd called Blue Host after you saw that php was reporting a limit of only 64Mb. A Blue Host tech made a copy if the php.ini file and stuck it inside the Pocket progressive folder where the Tiki install is. Php info now reports 256M.

And for what it's worth,I'm concerned that with all the upgrade problems I've had over the many versions -always reporting this V4.3 during upgrade by the Simple Scripts installer at Blue Host, that my database somehow has never quite kept up with the Tiki upgrades (though I do reset the database when instructed and usually I'd get an error message or two but it never seemed to affect the site).

Everything, through each of these things were accomplished with trial and error steps too numerous to remember.

Thanks again Torsten!

posts: 1563 Germany

Upgraded to Tiki9.x now

editing works now again

some theme issues to be completed (mostlikely minor copy/paste stuff)

switching domain tomorrow if you like 😉


posts: 257 United States

And sorry, you asked about custom modules.

Yes. The modules in the left, right and topbar are custom, i.e. I chose create new custom module and made a bunch -mostly just links -wiki and html. All except onme are old. The one that's new is "Use our materials" in the right column but I';ve edited pages since that went in. Otherwise I added the Tiki standard "Last modified File Galleries" module and the "Last Changes" modules. I edited just fine after those.