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Omission in layout.css

Whilst reading through the layout.css file prior to creating a new theme, I noticed a possible error in line 27.

in styling new HTML5 elements to display block level, it appears "section" has been forgotten in the list of new elements

fixed r43531 /trunk



Thanks for adding that. When the HTML5 block elements rule was added to layout.css, the list was complete (based on some early source that I don't recall). In checking into this again after your commit, I found several inconsistent current lists of "HTML5 block-level elements." The problem seems to be that "HTML5 does not use the terms 'block-level' or 'inline' as part of its content model rules...." (http://dev.w3.org/html5/html4-differences/) so it seems people are interpreting the elements in different ways. Probably the list in layout.css is still shorter than it should be; one thing to check is how each browser treats these.

Mozilla has a longer list (12 elements), including "audio" and "video" but not including "nav" (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/HTML/Block-level_elements).

The html5shiv.js script (http://code.google.com/p/html5shiv/)tells IE to display 9 new elements as blocks: article, aside, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, nav, and section.

Opera lists these same 9 elements as block level (http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/new-structural-elements-in-html5/).

normalize.css (http://necolas.github.com/normalize.css/) lists these plus "details".

Eric Meyer's CSS reset (http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/)includes those but also adds "menu".

-- Gary 😊