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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

  • PluginMediaPlayer : src and mp3 cannot both be empty
Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Re: use of mediaplayer plugin

posts: 95

hi there Tom

Thanks for the advice re the np tag etc.

I have tried this with firefox / chrome and IE, all seem to behave the same way.

With each of these pdf's normally open in the browser.

I have tried another computer in the house as well - same result.

I assumed that the purpose of this plugin would be to override these sorts of settings anyway and render the pdf in the page?

By the way this problem only occurs when using files in the gallery (stored in a directory).

When I couldn't get this to work in the past I created another directory and uploaded the files directly, rather than thought tikiwiki, and used the external url and this worked fine.
Just thought it would be nice to be able to avoid uploading files twice ( as I want them to be downloadable from the gallery as well).
My previous attempts were with V10.0 and 10.2.



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