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Features / Usability

Setting up permissions

posts: 32

I'm trying to come up with a roadmap for setting up permissions, but its confusing. At the 50,000 foot level, this is what I want to do:

  1. Prevent spammers and hackers from registering and link spamming.
  2. Want to prevent editing without some sort of process to weed out troublemakers.
  3. Alternatively, want to set up approval for edits before making them visible.

Right now, I'm only using the Wiki. I may use other features later, but for now, this is it. But I have enough experience with forums to know that left unchecked, the miscreants will destroy it.

So - need a little help with a roadmap for the above.

posts: 3665 United States
eunos wrote:
Prevent spammers and hackers from registering and link spamming.

Lots of options to handle false registrations:

  • Require email validation
  • Require admin validation
  • Require a passcode
  • and more

Please see the docs for details.

eunos wrote:
Alternatively, want to set up approval for edits before making them visible.

With flagged revisions, you can require that edits be approved. Please see the docs for details.

You should also review all the security and anti-spam options. Again, see the docs for full details.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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