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Architecture / Installation

problem with connecting to DB. help please

posts: 4

I have tikiwiki installed and the mysql database setup as well, but when I try to access any page, I get the "cannot connect to database" error

its looking for the write db name (pgage_tiki) but under localhost, not how I set it up under db/tiki-db.php

my settings are :

$host_tiki = '';
$user_tiki = 'pgage_sql';
$pass_tiki = 'mypassword';
$dbs_tiki = 'pgage_tiki';

the error I get:

Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) in C:\hshome\pgage\acautionarytale.com\tiki\lib\adodb\drivers\adodb-mysql.inc.php on line 318

Unable to login to the MySQL database 'pgage_tiki' on 'localhost' as user 'MjpwZXRlOjUzMTkzMDFiNzM2NDg4MDkzMDcwY2Q1MjA1MDc0OWRiOjEwOjowOjA6MDowOkthcHV0OjQwOTY='
Go here to begin the installation process, if you haven't done so already.

Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

It seems to be ignoring my "$host_tiki = '';" line.

Any ideas?


posts: 2881 United Kingdom


I believe that with the abstraction work in 1.8 the settings need to go into the file local.php instead
along with 2 new values. Its probably best to run tiki-install.php allow it to reset the database connection and then feed in the new values.


posts: 4

ah - that did the trick! I fixed the local file and we are good to go.


posts: 30
That worked for me, too. The local.php file is located in db/ directory, just to clarify. 🎅