Tiki and PluginR

Tiki and PluginR

Re: Recording different RDatas for different users

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Ok, Moisés, let's see, then, on the wiki page or smarty template part.

You can enable "wiki argument variables" (Admin home > Textarea > General Settings > Wiki syntax > Wiki argument variables".

Then you can use this special syntax :

Copy to clipboard

that will be parsed as your username in a normal wiki page, and probably, in a smarty template.

Another (more complicated approach) would be to play with the tracker where the itemId belongs to. You could use tracker fields "items list" ( http://doc.tiki.org/Items+List+and+Item+Link+Tracker+Fields ), I guess, to display content from the users tracker into the tracker that hold the data/runs.
But this is more work, and probably not needed if the approach with wiki argument variables works already for your needs.

So, does it help?

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