Tiki and PluginR

Tiki and PluginR

Re: Re: Recording different RDatas for different users

posts: 14 SPAIN

You've hit the nail on the head! Now It works. Thanks Xavi!

The only thing is that it is necessary to write it in quotation marks. On the other hand, it only works within templates.

Hence, in short, if one wanted to save a unique RData for each user, it can be done as follows using the pluginR:

Copy to clipboard
{RR()} user_name="" user_name personal_dataset=paste("Dataset_",user_name,".RData", sep = "") save.image(personal_dataset) {RR}

Or within a smarty template

Copy to clipboard
user_name="{$user}" personal_dataset=paste("Dataset_",user_name,".RData", sep = "") save.image(personal_dataset)

Thank you for your help!

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