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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Tiki and PluginR

Tiki and PluginR

Re: Jyhem coding RR plugin settings variables directly from within RR

posts: 68 France

Ok I just saw in the code that this is simply R script used to build the output :

Copy to clipboard
$image_number++; $input_array[$key] = 'png(filename = "' . $rgo . "_$image_number.png" . '", width = ' . $width . ', height = ' . $height . ', units = "' . $units . '", pointsize = ' . $pointsize . ', bg = "' . $bg . '" , res = ' . $res . ')' ;

I understood that actually more or less what it does is just to append some rscript after the main script in order to export the contents (picture, pdf, html), then to show it.

I'look with Jyhem how to override this : if there is any output in the rscript, such as for instance png() or ggsave(), use the configuration within the R script instead, but keep the file naming system for caching.

What do you think ?

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