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Architecture / Installation

Upload image and stored on PostgreSQL

posts: 4

Warning: postgres7 error: ERROR: Bad input string for type bytea in query:
insert into "tiki_files"("galleryId","name","description","filename","filesize","filetype","data","user","created","downloads","path","hash") values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
in /export/groups/barrowkwan.com/tikiwiki-1.8/lib/tikidblib.php on line 125
Array ( 0 => 1 1 => test 2 => test 3 => Gap Gap Gap.zip 4 => 550933 5 => application/x-zip-compressed 6 => PK\0\0\0\0NK0 g??Γ\0\0*P\0\0"\0\0\ .............

posts: 1

I get the same kind of error:

Warning: mysql error: MySQL server has gone away in query:
insert into `tiki_files`(`galleryId`,`name`,`description`,`filename`,`filesize`,`filetype`,`data`,`user`,`created`,`downloads`,`path`,`hash`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)

in c:\program files\easyphp1-7\www\tikiwiki-1.8\lib\tikidblib.php on line 125

with the values and array as well.


posts: 1001 Canada

Hi digrat,
I don't think your error is similar to barrowkwan. Although I don't precisely know what means "gone away" for a DB, I suggest you to check the my.cnf max upload size setting which is 1MB by default I think while you were uploading a 1.2MB file if I remember right.
If you find that this is what the error meant, I'll try to put this message's meaning easily accessible.

posts: 2881 United Kingdom


Can you try setting the storage to the filesystem instead?

We might have a postgres problem with storing in the db. What about image galleries? Do they give you the same error message?