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What table to forum posts go in?

posts: 96 United States

I am trying to find the actual table where the forum posts reside in Tiki. Can anyone tell me what the name of that table is? I have looked in every one that seems obvious to me, but to no avail. I thought tiki_user_postings, or the tiki_forums_X tables would be the logical place, but I can't find them there. Lots of other information about forums in those tables, but not the text of the posts themselves.

Thanks for any help.

posts: 175 Canada

As I see it the forums as well as other areas (posts, image gallery, faq, ect) have their "comment" info stored in the comments table.

The table lists an "objectType" as the place where the info came from.
hope that helps. James

posts: 96 United States

> jamesoftopiya:
> Hi,
> As I see it the forums as well as other areas (posts, image gallery, faq, ect) have their "comment" info stored in the comments table.
> The table lists an "objectType" as the place where the info came from.
> hope that helps. James

That was exactly what I needed. Thanks!

posts: 96 United States

> jamesoftopiya:
> Hi,
> As I see it the forums as well as other areas (posts, image gallery, faq, ect) have their "comment" info stored in the comments table.
> The table lists an "objectType" as the place where the info came from.
> hope that helps. James

That was exactly what I needed. Thanks!