over 128MB usage and 96% cpu usage
tiki-editpage.php is using excessive resources when editing a 458,918 byte file.
It displays a message: Fatal error: allowed memory size of 13422177728 bytes exhausted ..... in installer/installlib.php
The host sent me a screenshot showing the page has used up to 96.2% of the cup capacity of the shared hosting I am on. They disabled the site, but I got them to re-enable it so I could demonstrate lower cpu usage.
I have deleted most of the content on the page, and plan on introduce and index across multiple pages, but I dont know if it will work and there is still the problem of a file less than half a mb using over 128 and overloading the servers cpu cycles.
There is two people watching the page and one one email was sent out. I wonder if part of the issue is "watch" related? It sends two copies of the texts when it emails.
.5mb for original doc.
1 mb per email = 2 mb
total =< 2.5mb....
Any ideas on if there is feature sets that use up a lot of resources? Can some be disabled?
I can share the page that has caused so much distress if need be.