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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

IP based permissions

posts: 11 USA

We are developing an international wiki. We want to create, for each country, a local language home page(and of course many other pages).
One solution might be setting IP based permissions for anonymous, but we do not know how to do it with Tiki.
Could you please suggest a solution.
Thank you

posts: 3665 United States

I don't think you'll want to do this with permissions. Permissions are used to determine which features users can access. Permissions can be assigned to user groups. Please see the docs for details.

Instead of using the IP address to select language, why not simply let the user select their language, then you can show different content based on the language selection? Tiki has extensive language options and modules (please see the docs for details.

Then you can use the Lang plugin or Perspectives to show different content, based on the language selection.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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posts: 11 USA

Thank you Rick
We want the anonymous users to go directly to their language. They have to feel that the site is local - it is important from marketing point of view.
It would be nice if Tiki can do it in some way.

posts: 11 France

Hi StudentPlanet,

In Admin panel > i18n, you can check "multilingual" and then you can check "Detect browser language" (on Tiki 12.x).



posts: 11 USA
Thank you, I will check it