Probably the main problem with Tiki
OK, I am really wondering if sometimes the Tiki Team ask themselves: "how can we get a bigger market share", "how to increase our user base", "let's make Tiki a usefull and wonderfull thing" and so on...
Because here is your answer: it's not like I didn't read stuff, but it's nowhere to be found such info, it's not like I didn't try things, but this is like going blindfolded and armed with a stick against Dog in Game of Thrones, it's not like I didn't ask in chat and on forums or didn't respect the rules/provided the info/set up a test zone/explained everything, but it's more like you choose to ignore... your own forums?
How do you expect to grow/mantain a community, if you just don't, and to make people more involved when you are not involving? How do you expect to promote a "groupware" application without paying attention to your own users?
This is pure unconcern for anything user related. I have two (very legitimate and of general interest) questions, one regarding LDAP and another about the trackers, for 2 weeks and no one steps in to say: "dude, you can't do that/it doesn't work" or "you can, read this or make that". Two damn sentences would be enough.
What do you expect on the forums? The users to answer users? No, they can't do that, because you don't help them in the first place.
Ever wonder why MediaWiki/Joomla/Drupal/Wordpress/other web apps are where they are, and why Tiki is not, even if it fully deserves this? Because everything starts and ends with you.