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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Subpages?

posts: 38 United States


user "prod", password "prod1234".

User "prod" gets permission denied trying to create a new page from QuickEdit on above page.  New page is auto-categorized by QuickEdit to category 4.  User "prod" in Group "Production"; Category 4 gives that group all Wiki permissions, which should override the group permissions, which only give view permission.

So my understanding is, since "prod" has all wiki permissions in category 4, this should allow "prod" to create a new page in this category, but it is not working.

posts: 3665 United States

Ah... I think I understand now...

You need to grant tiki_p_edit permission to the Prod group. Then, remove the group's edit permission for the non-Prod categories.

Because the pages are not categorized until they're saved, without the Group-level permission, users in the Prod group can't create a new page.


- Rick  |  My Tiki Blog |  My Tiki UserPage

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posts: 1563 Germany

This is sad, but true.

And it is one of a number of reasons, why I for example do intranet and public website on two seperate instances - configuration requirements are too different for some use cases.
