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Re: mathematical calculation tracker field

posts: 38 United States

Another thing that the Mathematical Calculation Tracker Field does not make clear is the context in which the parenthesis are supposed to occur.  For example, I tried putting them exactly as shown inside the "TRACKERMATH" plug-in (which for some reason I can't find documented anywhere) but get an error:

{TRACKERMATH(trackerId=33)} " - Unexpected "=", expected one of: "","" , ")"


Then after reading a bit more, it appears this is for a "FITNESS" (Fitnesse?) plug-in which is for testing purposes, which is *not* what I want.

I am also referenced to a "ratings" page to get more info on the allowed operators, but I am very confused as to what ratings have to do with calculations.  Apparently ratings use calculations too somehow, but since I am not interested in ratings or what they are, it is a bit-offputting to send me to an area I am not interested and make me scrounge around looking for what I am after.

Still haven't figure out how to get mathematical calculations to actually work.  Is there some other plug-in I'm supposed to embed them in?  It doesn't say.

For reference, I've got a template which defines the layout of the page, and then another page which references the template and which tracker it is a template for, so I don't know if that convolutes things any further.  I am trying to get a sum of various values on the page, and if it could do that both on the form entry page and when viewing the page through the template, that would be great, but if not, just when viewing the entered data through the template would be alright.

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