Re: Unable to download files attached to Wiki
And same problem when I try to download a file from a file gallery:
Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at E:\Copernic\Travail_SiteRefDuSI\liens\tiki\tiki-setup_base.php:46) in E:\Copernic\Travail_SiteRefDuSI\liens\tiki\tiki-setup_base.php on line 46
Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at E:\Copernic\Travail_SiteRefDuSI\liens\tiki\tiki-setup_base.php:46) in E:\Copernic\Travail_SiteRefDuSI\liens\tiki\tiki-setup_base.php on line 46
Vous ne pouvez pas télécharger de fichiers
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I have configured files to be saved in directories, and I can see that the file is there.