Calendar problems - Daylight saving time?
Two errors are observed when I enter events after March 8, 2015:
If entered as a single-day, all-day event (e.g. start March 9, end March 9, all-day box checked), after hitting "Save" the start date changed to the day before, creating a two-day event. If I open the event while logged in as admin, it reads start March 8, end March 9. If I open the event while logged in as anonymous, it reads start March 8, end March 8.
If entered as a single-day event spanning two hours (e.g. 10am-12pm), the calendar shows the even staring one hour later (e.g. 11am). If I open the event it still reads 10-12, but the display after it is closed says 11am.
I am filing a bug report, but am also writing in the forum to see if anyone else has encountered this. Anyone?
I have 12.3svn.
I am running on a shared host (Bluehost).