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Basic Wiki Page Linking Question

posts: 10 United Kingdom


I'm really new to this.
I have got the basic concept of WIKI OK but here is what I would really like to do.
How can I give the same page 2 names
I want to keep a page about projects I am working on, projects have a code and a name. In this way, if I say Proj001 or MYWikiProject both will link to the same destination page.
Would hotwords do this ?

Is this possible ?

Or should I just create Proj001 and MyWikiProject and link from there to Proj001MyWikiProject ?



posts: 2881 United Kingdom


You can only duplication pages with the same name via a structure alias.

Hotwords would certainly do it linking the 2 names to 1 wiki page. Just make sure you turn off the feature Hotwords in a new window as that could be rather annoying 😉


posts: 10 United Kingdom

Sorry for stating the obvious but could you give me an overview of creating a structure alias please.



> Damian:
> Hiya
> You can only duplication pages with the same name via a structure alias.
> Hotwords would certainly do it linking the 2 names to 1 wiki page. Just make sure you turn off the feature Hotwords in a new window as that could be rather annoying 😉
> Damian

posts: 10 United Kingdom

Sorry for stating the obvious but could you give me an overview of creating a structure alias please.



> Damian:
> Hiya
> You can only duplication pages with the same name via a structure alias.
> Hotwords would certainly do it linking the 2 names to 1 wiki page. Just make sure you turn off the feature Hotwords in a new window as that could be rather annoying 😉
> Damian

posts: 61

why not use
{linktothispage|klik on this text)
change { into ( to make it work (~np~ is not working)