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Architecture / Installation

Tiki not in top 14?

posts: 758 United States

Are you kidding? See link at http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20090125151610532/Wiki.html

Quote: TikiWiki is a very powerful content management system, which just missed out on being included in our 21 of the Best Free Web Content Management Systems. However, it merits a mention in this feature, as it is a very popular wiki engine.

What! Do these guys have their heads in the sand? Tiki takes up half the market share in wiki's, however it merits a mention? What the heck?
Just had to blow that one off, sorry guys. It's the first site that reviews wiki software that left out Tiki, incredible, can you say heads in the sand?
When it comes down to it, there really are two open sourced wiki's in the world, Tiki or Mediawiki. The rest are fine too, but they seem to be spin offs.
Good night.

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