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Front page portal

posts: 758 United States

Tiki 14.1
php 5.6
Theme: Tikinewt
Theme Option: Shadow
The Patriot Woodwiki

Good Sunday Tiki folks!
Ok, after going through our tutorials here, and googling the subject, and just trying to put odd's n ends together, I am still coming up short. I am trying to accomplish a home page portal, Mediawiki like. You know the type, where we may have a quadrants of information being brought forth to the home page including images, and links and basically, a kind of "Best foot forward" approach to the new visitor of our site. So I may have a couple wiki pages I would love to showcase to the viewers, to engage the viewers and bring them in, how could I bring that information out front and center?
Here is an example wiki page I would like to bring out front, and I would love to bring more out front to our home page as well. It would be really super if I could bring out 4 areas out to the Home Page showcasing images and more.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how this may be accomplised?
As always, thanks for any help, I appreciate your time!

posts: 758 United States

posts: 3665 United States

If you're asking simply  how to design a wiki page with four quadrants, there are several approaches you can take... For example, you could use the SPLIT plugin (https://doc.tiki.org/pluginsplit)  to build a 2x2 table and place different content in each cell. The Themes site (http://themes.tiki.org/) also has good information on designing Tiki pages.

If you're asking how to have your site's content appear on the home page, there are several modules that can be used to showcase images or pages. If you want have content from another page appear on your home page, look at the INCLUDE plugin (http://doc.tiki.org/plugininclude)



- Rick  |  My Tiki BlogMy Tiki UserPage

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posts: 758 United States
Ok, that was easy! Duh, hope I did not waste your time Rick. I guess I was over thinking this one and digging in the wrong areas. This works perfect, and yes I was looking more for how to include a wiki page partial content in a portal format. I even discovered random include which is even more what I was looking for. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Rick!