Front page portal
Tiki 14.1
php 5.6
Theme: Tikinewt
Theme Option: Shadow
The Patriot Woodwiki
Good Sunday Tiki folks!
Ok, after going through our tutorials here, and googling the subject, and just trying to put odd's n ends together, I am still coming up short. I am trying to accomplish a home page portal, Mediawiki like. You know the type, where we may have a quadrants of information being brought forth to the home page including images, and links and basically, a kind of "Best foot forward" approach to the new visitor of our site. So I may have a couple wiki pages I would love to showcase to the viewers, to engage the viewers and bring them in, how could I bring that information out front and center?
Here is an example wiki page I would like to bring out front, and I would love to bring more out front to our home page as well. It would be really super if I could bring out 4 areas out to the Home Page showcasing images and more.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how this may be accomplised?
As always, thanks for any help, I appreciate your time!