Since upgrading to v14 I cannot get the WYSIWIG editor to show
I have the default editor in the wiki set to the wiki editor but have the option for selecting the wysiwyg editor but since upgrading that seems to be broken. The page redraws (The editor portion) but the editor window is blank. I enabled logging and see that it looks like the CKEDITOR variable or object in the php code is missing or not defined. Is there something else I need to enable or load to get the CKEDITOR to be defined? This is running in a window and not fullscreen and I think the option for replacing the editor (I think something like that) is enabled because I can see the code that replaces the wiki editor window with the wysiwyg editor is part that is erroring:
Here is the errors and the code that is complaining:
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'window.CKEDITOR.config')
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: CKEDITOR
CKEDITOR.replace( "editwiki",{
toolbar: ["Bold","Italic","Underline","Strike","-","TextColor","-","tikiimage","tikilink","externallink","Unlink","-","Undo","Redo","-","Find","Replace","-","RemoveFormat","SpecialChar","-","tikihelp","tikiswitch","autosave","admintoolbar"],"/",%22Format%22,%22Cut%22,%22Copy%22,%22Paste%22,%22-%22,%22JustifyLeft%22,%22JustifyCenter%22,%22-%22,%22BulletedList%22,%22NumberedList%22,%22-%22,%22PageBreak%22,%22HorizontalRule%22,%22-%22,%22tikitable%22,%22-%22,%22Source%22,%22ShowBlocks%22,%22screencapture%22,%22-%22,%22Maximize%22,"/",%22Insert Module%22,%22Draw%22,%22Attachment%22,%22Wanted Pages%22],
language: "en",
customConfig: "",
autoSaveSelf: "jamesarm97:wiki_page:test", // unique reference for each page set up in ensureReferrer()
font_names: "sans serif;serif;monospace;Arial;Century Gothic;Comic Sans MS;Courier New;Tahoma;Times New Roman;Verdana",
format_tags: "p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6",
stylesSet: "tikistyles:/lib/ckeditor_tiki/tikistyles.js",
templates_files: %22/lib/ckeditor_tiki/tikitemplates.js%22,
skin: "moono",
defaultLanguage: "en",
contentsLangDirection: "ltr",
language: "en"
,height: "400"
, resize_dir: "both"
, allowedContent: true
CKEDITOR.on("instanceReady", function(event) {
if (typeof ajaxLoadingHide == "function") { ajaxLoadingHide(); }