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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

integrating graffiti with admin??

posts: 39

Hi tikiwikis,

I developed graffitti example according to tikiwiki manual. now i strucked at integrating to admin module. i did't understand the wording there means"can i put a html tag of checkbox with name feature_graffitti and adding the example code in tiki-admin.php". please clrify me..
my doubt is :
shall i put like this :

{popup_init src="lib/overlib.js"}
{if $feature_help}


{* The rest determines which page to include using "page" GET parameter. Default : list-sections
Add a value in first check when you create a new admin page. *}
{if in_array($smarty.get.page, array("features", "general", "login", "wiki", "gal", "fgal", "cms",
"polls", "search", "blogs", "forums", "faqs", "trackers", "webmail", "rss", "directory", "userfiles", "maps"))}
{assign var="include" value=$smarty.get.page}
{assign var="include" value="list-sections"}
{if $include != "list-sections"}
missing page for plugin INCLUDE

missing page for plugin INCLUDE

{* shall i put like this *}

thanks in advance,

posts: 39

sorrry above code is it's as it is tiki-admin.tpl

my doubt is to add checkbox like this at the end of tpl

please clarify me..

posts: 39

The problem while i accessing the features..

The XML page cannot be displayed
Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.


Only one top level element is allowed in an XML document. Error processing resource 'http://coffee/tikiwiki-1.8/tiki-admin.php'. Line 2, Position 2

Notice: Undefined variable: feature_graffittis in c:\program files\easyphp1-7\www\tikiwiki-1.8\tiki-admin.php on line 20

posts: 1001 Canada

I guess I was indeed in a hurry when I wrote you this morning 😛
I forgot about at least three files you have to change. tiki-admin.php needs two new lines like others in this fashion :
} else if ($adminPage == "search") {
include_once ('tiki-admin_include_search.php');
tiki-setup.php needs $feature_graffittis = 'n';
around line 371 as others.
Also you must do your own tiki-admin_include_graffittis.php.