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How to exclude Header from TOC

posts: 14 USA

On a Wiki page I use the "Header 1, 2, etc" sometimes to create a nice section title because I cannot figure out how to just increase the font size (if you can please let me know), but I don't always want that to be included in the auto TOC because it isn't really a section. Is there a tag or special character that is added to the !!! type of markup that can exclude it from the TOC?

- James

posts: 3665 United States

You can use the levels and maxdepth parameters of the maketoc element to control which headings are shown in the table of contents. Please see the docs for details: https://doc.tiki.org/pluginmaketoc

However, if you're using headings to simply change the look/style of the text, you're destroying the semanteics of the page — it is never a good idea. You should really create a custom style that has the size/font/color/etc that you want, and then apply it to the text with the div plugin. Please see the docs for details: https://doc.tiki.org/plugindiv


- Rick  |  My Tiki Blog |  My Tiki UserPage

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posts: 14 USA
Thanks. That is what I was looking for. I knew I was using then wrong but needed a larger font. I figured out the  font tag plugin but I think it is experimental. I'll check out the div tag. Is there a way to add my own styles to the drop down where the heading 1, heading 2, normal shows?