Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: "File not an image" error when inserting files

posts: 2 United States
Thanks for the reply! I tried to insert a pdf file on the demo site, and the same thing happened there (File is not an image). I also tried with a text file and a zip file, and both of those seemed to be ignored.I am using the "Insert Image" button when editing the page - should I be doing this another way? I didn't see an "Insert File" button, and I haven't found anyplace in the docs that address that.Thanks again for your help (and patience)...:) 
posts: 3665 United States
The Choose or upload images button, by default, uses the 
 Plugin Image
No image specified. One of the following parameters must be set: fileId, randomGalleryId, fgalId, attId or src.
construct, and will only dipslay images. You should use the Files button (which will use the {file....plugin) to upload your files. Here's what I see on the Tiki demo site: https://demo.tiki.org/14x/


If you don't see the Files button on your site, you can simply edit the toolbar and add it. See the docs (https://doc.tiki.org/Toolbar) for details.




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