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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Forcing word case

posts: 215

If you need to use this hundreds of times, then perhaps you could make your own "force lower case" plugin to reduce the amount of code that would have to be entered each time.  You could name it something short like "FLC".  Here is a the code for a plugin that will take a string between the plugin tags and return the string in lower case.  I named it "lowcase", but you could change the name to something shorter.
It is only 8 lines, but I couldn't paste it here so I put it in pastebin:

Add it as /lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_lowcase.php
Do not close the php tag.
If you do want to change the name to something shorter, it has to be changed in two places, in the program name and in the function name.
To use it:

Copy to clipboard
{LOWCASE()}{ {page}}{LOWCASE}

I hope that helps.


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