Need help understanding forum watches
We've been using the forum notifications ("email this address for any postings to this forum"), but would like to start exercising more fine-grained control over these notifications. The "Watch" concept appears to be exactly what we need, but some of the behavior I am seeing is confusing and may be contradictory to the docs.
(Running Tiki 12.4, if the version matters).
According to the Tiki Docs on Watches, there are three kinds associated with forums:
1. A Watch for a Forum. Any new topic/thread posted should notify this user. I'm assuming it is represented by forum_post_topic associated with forum id within the Mail Notifications listing.
2. A Watch on a Forum Topic. Any new posts to that specific Topic/thread will notify user. Assuming forum_post_thread, associated with the topic's ID.
3. A Watch on Forum Topics & Threads. Any postings within that forum, be it Thread or Replies, will be sent. Assuming forum_post_topic_and_thread associated with the forum ID.
The problem I'm seeing is that a user has posted to a forum, and he is set to watch that topic/thread (from_post_thread). A number of people have responded to him, but the only people receiving notifications are a union between forum_post_topic and forum_post_topic_and_thread. I was a bit surprised the former were included, and post_thread was not.
Am I misunderstanding how this works? IDeally we'd like a system in which we can register users (probably as a group watch) to be notified of only new topics, and they may explicitly subscribe to responses to those topics if they are interested.
Thanks in advance, we've been using the Tiki in various forms for almost a decade.