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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Page Not Found for Registered Users

posts: 215

If you are willing to change the code to accomplish this, it is a small change, but you must remember that updates in the future may remove your change.

If you are redirecting to your custom "Page Not Found" page for anonymous users by having set the General, Navigation, "URL an anonymous is redirected when page not found" option, then that option is checked in tiki-index.php. The code that checks it looks like this:

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if (!$isprefixed && !empty($prefs['url_anonymous_page_not_found']) && empty($user)) { $access->redirect($prefs['url_anonymous_page_not_found']);

When someone is logged in, the $user is not empty so they are not sent to the custom "Page Not Found". You can have it ignore if someone is logged in by removing the "&& empty($user)" so it looks like:

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if (!$isprefixed && !empty($prefs['url_anonymous_page_not_found'])) { $access->redirect($prefs['url_anonymous_page_not_found']);

And then it will redirect even if the page was not found for a logged in user.


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