

whats the difference?

posts: 39

Hi all,

I have seen add_users() method in two files called. tikilib.php and userslib.php My doubt is why add_users() is in these two. Please explain me.

Thanks in advance.

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

grep can be a friend wink

posts: 39

who is grep sir? is he a member?


posts: 175 Canada

Damian, you are a tease!wink

grep is first off a command used in linux,
Global Regular Expression Parser (grep)
It is basicly a search command that is very powerfull.

It may also be found in the name of various programs that search in a simular way. If you do a search for "grep" at an open source software site you will find examples. Windows (DOS) does not have as powerfull a command built in and so there are many mature windows programs that do this.
(this answer is for those that did not get it)