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recent activity listing. is there a way?

posts: 4
how can i have my homepage list all new activity by date? (for example if there's a new post in the forum, and a modification in a wiki, a new blog post, etc.)
posts: 175 Canada

Hi, there several approachs

1. Use last changes module like you see to the right side bar on this site. Of course this would show up everywhere the side bar is shown.

2. You could use rss feeds from many areas of your site. (page width) please see, RssFeedDoc and RssModulesDoc for more details on set up.
This would look like tikiwiki181 test site.
(although this feed is from tikiwiki.org it could be from with in its self.

3. Insert a module into your page. as you will see at this page, (in boxs)
TikiWiki Home which also shows number 4,
an example of getting this would be something like
{MODULE(module=>last_blog_posts)}last_blog_posts {MODULE} Some of these DO NOT show the date. not sure if that can be changed.

4. Use a plugin to show the last changes in areas. (page width)
an example of getting this would be something like
{ARTICLES(max=>2,topic=>Site News)}{ARTICLES}

As you see choice 2,3+4 are simular in that they go on your page. (not the sides) However they are different in how they display. In a box or full page width.

See some of the plugins that you can use, PluginsList, PluginModule.

Once you decide the approach if you need help getting it to work just ask, sombody will help!

posts: 4
thanks for your reply. i'll look into these options!

posts: 4

ok, it seems that i'll just mess around with tiki_lastchages.php (i somehow didn't even notice it existed! 😀 ), but i still have a couple of questions:

how can i make it list the last n changes, instead of the last n days?
if a wiki or forum was updated a couple of times, how can i make it only list the latest update?

thanks for your help