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Re: Question about permission levels to User groups

posts: 175 Canada

Hi, well I will take Chealer9's wisdom and believe that you have to go DB route.
Here is what I did, but if you want the easy way I would just go to step two and forget that the level is there.

1. I recreated your problem.

  • create test level
  • assigned perm to level
  • assigned level to annon

Then I looked in DB. The only refference I could find of this level was in the users_permissions.

2. To make sure there were going to be no loose ends in the DB,

  • I went back to the Assign permissions to group: page
  • in the bottom listing of perms to levels i check "All" so I could see every relationship.
  • I switched any perms I had made from test level back to the default.
  • I clicked update.

3. Now I headed back to the DB

  • Looked in the users_permissions table
  • Deleated the row "test level" (prior to step two there were more references to the "test level)

On my return to the site every thing was just like normal.
Happy ending.
I am sure this is a common booboo, any one have a better solution ?

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