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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: hacking attempt?

posts: 215

I thought you were saying that you thought the plugin needing validation implied that there was a hacking attempt in a change to the plugin.

The pound sign in the url indicates an anchor link. The code after it, which is the same code that would normally be stored in the tiki_plugin_security table for that plugin, was put in an HTML DIV as an ID= parameter and it can be used as an anchor link to the place in the page where a plugin which needs validating is.

That #html-f70ef0d78ee8e7721c045c755cd827e7-0df3f8fa6a273b5283894cce2d1e8455-620000-200000 is not a hacking attempt, and it did not cause the need for the validation. Every plugin that needs to be validated will have a similar DIV ID=.

Does that help?


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