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Equation plugin requires custom html content

posts: 4 Netherlands

Hi I want to use equations on my wiki.

I am afraid my server does not have latex installed, so I want to use a javascript editor.

I have found:



https://tiki.org/forumthread25699 Posted by Loll78 1 Tue 13 Dec 2011 01:15 CET posts:

which both describe setting an option in In the "Customization" tab enter in the "Custom HTML Content" field: < script type="text/javascript" src="lib/ASCIIMathML.js">< /script> (remove the two spaces in the code)

I have the "Customization" tab, but it has no options! I can only press apply, but there is no field I can change. Is something wrong with my permissions as an admin?

posts: 1563 Germany

Hi Revaro,

the customisation tab should be here:


Indeed there are additional admin options for more experienced users. Sadly hidden too much - a UX issue we heve been discussing recently:

Looking at the control panels very top left besides Access|Content|System|Tools you find a tiny dropdown with a funnel like Icon - click there and find "Advanced" and "Experimental" preference filters, which you can set as defult, if you like.

Anyway for your problem you likely wount need it.

Just paste the sript tag into the appropriat field (HTML custom head I guess) and then press apply.

After the page has reloaded, you should find the script tag still in the field.

This way you can add or delete stuff in the custom fields:
write or paste or delete and apply
(the apply button is always for the whole admin section page, thus for all changes you made on that page, NOT for per every specific box or custom field)


welcome to the community (just saw your fresh registration)

posts: 4 Netherlands

Great Thanks Torsten,

It works now!

Yes the "advanced"-Filter was indeed very hidden, that it would take very long for me to find it.

I am working on a "Philosophy of Everything". I want to broadcast the knowledge, but also review my thoughts against critical minds.

You can check it out at:


Whoohoo!, first announcement!

I am still populating the contents, but the release will be imminent 😊!

Thanks for your quick reply. You helped me out. Gave me some time to eat :-P.

posts: 4 Netherlands
Oh one weird thing. I though I could also include the javascript reference in the field Custom JavaScript but that did not work. I had to put it in: Custom HTML ‹head› Content

posts: 1563 Germany

As I suggested 😉

Custom JavaScript

is for JavaScript, not fro script references.

Cheers and bon appetit