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Architecture / Installation

Re: No Homepage

posts: 175 Canada

I popped into your site and must say it does seem odd!

The fact that some areas appear to work while others do not reminds me of a problem I had.
On my site most things worked but like yours some areas did not. It turned out that some of the files did not upload correctly. Although they were there they had either no content or it were corrupted. As I recall it was because of an interruption in the upload process.

I went through the files looking for the size and corrected the ones that said 0. However, to find the corrupted ones that had content, I used the links to find the pages that were not working and then uploaded new files. There were only 8-10 files effected but that was enough to make it work, but not.

Worth a thought?

Good luck, James

Oh, by the way any reason you are not using the 1.7.6 ver.?

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