Tiki User Reports Broken 15.x
Hey everyone,
I am currently having an issue where daily reports are not being sent in my tiki 15 installation.
Things that seem to be working:
1. Tiki_user_reports_cache, is being updated correctly when a change is made to a watched page.
2. Tiki_user_reports, is being updated correctly to show when an email has been theoretically sent
3. My Cron Job works, I get an email every time it executes
4. The server is able to send email, I used the test email option in the installer and correctly received an email
After investigation into the cron job executing I see the following error consistently:
More than one "from" person
After doing some research, everything I could find about this lead me to believe that I had an incorrect flag in the php.ini set for the sendmail_path. When I looked into this I found that only the default php configuration was flagged for this particular parameter.
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
I was able to isolate the error to this particular line in the Send.php function located in lib/core/Reports/
What is really confusing for me is, I have 2 sites running off of this server. One is a production site using tiki 14.x and the other is a development site using 15.x. I am only having email issues with the 15.x version. Have there been many changes in how email for daily reports is handled in 15.x? At this point I am stumped. Could someone shed some light on how exactly the daily reports interact with the php mail functions and how I could possibly be getting this More than one "from" person error?
Thanks for anyone who can help,