Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Why this error in search box.??

posts: 39

Hi, tikiwikis,

search box is giving mysql errors for whatever i am looking for under the option entire site. could you tell me why this happened to me.i am using winxo/easyphp1.7. the error message is like this.?

Warning: mysql error: Impossible de trouver un index FULLTEXT correspondant à cette liste de colonnes in query:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tiki_blog_posts p LEFT JOIN tiki_blogs b ON b.blogId = p.blogId WHERE b.use_find = "y" AND MATCH(p.data) AGAINST ('sharma')
in c:\program files\easyphp1-7\www\tikiwiki\lib\tikidblib.php on line 125

$result is false
$result is empty

thanks in advance,

posts: 1001 Canada

Hi sharma,
this is when you have the Fulltext search feature activated in Admin Features and you are using search_box while you could be using search_new. There is a bug tracker open abot some people with 1.8.1 still getting your bug while 2 attempts were mae to fix it.