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Features / Usability

CSV import of data to Trackers where data contains accents

posts: 22


Tiki Wiki 15.0 - language Spanish
MySQL with UTF8_general_ci

I am trying to import data into a tracker using CSV files. I have found two problems related to accented characters, for the first I have found a workaround, the second I haven´t but I am hoping someone else knows how to do it...

Issue 1:
If the tracker fields have accents in the names, the data in those fields is ignored on CSV import.
E.g. data for a field named "Descripción" will not import. Workaround: remove accents from field names.
Please note I can manually create/edit items in the tracker when the field names contain accents, it is the "Import" option (with charcater encoding set to UTF8) that fails. It fails silently.

Issue 2:
I have several fields of type "Text Field" in the tracker. Where the text contains an accent, the text is truncated at the character before the first accent.

e.g. in csv file the field says "Código Postal", after import into the tracker the field has "C".
e.g. in csv file the field says "La dirección", after import into the tracker the field has "La direcci".

For this I have no workaround except edit every item after import and copy and paste missing info from CSV file. A long slow process.

Does anyone know how to do this? Am I making a stupid mistake?

Thank you,

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