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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

I want my users to submit variants of wiki-articles, how do I do this?

posts: 1 Sweden

Say I write a wiki page for the recipe of Lasagna, and a user wants to share their grandma's recipe as an alternative to mine.
So my article is _Lasagna_, and their would be _Lasagna – Grandma Susie's_.

When browsing the site they'll se _Lasagna_ listed, and when opening that page a list of variants can be accessed, either in a sidebar or a drop-down or what ever.

I guess I want the variants to be separate wiki pages so they can live their own life with ratings etc, but any suggestion is welcome.

I'm very new to Tiki so be kind if this is very simple to do.

posts: 3665 United States

You could use Tiki Categories to do this... Create a category called Lasagna, then add each of the lasagna recipes to that category. Then, to list all the pages in the Lasagna category, simply use the CATEGORY plugin.

See the docs for further details.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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posts: 22


Another option is to use the "More Like This algorithm" functionality within "Tags" module in Control Panel, in combination with the Module "Freetags more like this".

Tags Documentation

Module Freetags More Like This Documentation

Your users would need to add at least one Tag on their recipe e.g. lasagna but I fear having only one tag in common would cause too many similar pages. Maybe a variant tag too...so on opening your lasagna recipe (which you have given the tags lasagna and variant), a list of all other pages which also have both the tags lasagna and variant would appear.
When you upload a recipe you could create the tag(s) you want and encourage your users to use the same tags.


posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Another way (more robust for new users not adding the tags or setting the right category) is to use a wiki structure, which will show your users the field to create a new page (sister to Lasagna, or child) to create new pages to that structure. Ideally, you would want them to create child pages (as variants of Lasagna recipe). In Lasagna page, you add the code

Copy to clipboard

and your users will see there the table of contents of the child pages to that one (the variants of Lasagna).

And if they want to add some new recipees, Macaroni Carbonara (or whatever), they would add sister pages to Lasagna (not checking the "child" option), etc.

See the documentation about Structures


P.S. As far as I remember, you can also combine categories with structures (force categorization of pages for users, or -reset a whole structure tree to be categorized to X, etc)

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