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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Strange error when I link inside my wiki

posts: 98 Greece

Well I guess I have the answer, and it seems it doesn't have to do with tiki, but with Plesk. As you know Plesk is a web hosting platform and the one used by the hosting company I use. Plesk has a firewall and this firewall decided that my attempts to link other wiki pages were suspicious (!) so it produced this 403 error. The guys at my hosting company replied to a ticket I submitted and sent me instructions to add an exception for the specific error, as logged in Plesk Logs. I did and not "forbiddens" any more. But this is not an actual solution as I know nothing about this specific act on behalf of the firewall, I don't understand why the firewall decided it was suspicious and I don't know what other... decisions will take in the future.

The thing about hosting your own site is taking control, not leaving it to a firewall. I will try to clarify things and will come back. In the meantime, any input by you will be useful.

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