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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Sharing Users with another platform

posts: 10

Hello all.
I've just installed a new copy of TikiWiki on a subdomain of my site. I would like to share user login info of TikiWiki with the site on the main domain.
I haven't installed the other CMS yet and am wondering if thus is achievable. The other CMS has some support for sharing login details.
Am very curious please can someone help me out?

Secondly is it possible to remove all the tiki- prefixes on urls eg tiki-view_forum_thread.php to view_forum_thread.php or even make as much urls as possible seo friendly? Sorry if the solution is very basic, am just using TikiWiki fir the very first time.

posts: 758 United States

elnelson, as far as single login you're looking at something that can be complex depending on the other CMS you are using, which CMS is it?
I have dabbled a little in the research for single login and I wish to do the same, but I am going to have to get a developer involved, it's over my head, and it will cost a little money too.

As far as friendly urls,
Go to Control panel/SEF URL under the "Activate Feature" heading check mark the box "Search engine friendly URL"
If you are using Apache, you'll need to go to the root directory of your Tiki installation and rename _htaccess to .htaccess as well. Take away the underscore and add the dot.

Hope this helps.

posts: 10

It's Composr They have a plugin that supports shared user login. I haven't tried it though.
I just needed to know if there's a guideline anyway for trying it on TikiWiki.
Thanks for the reply on SEO friendly url.