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Features / Usability

Plugin List filtering on Title of Wiki Pages

posts: 22


I am using TikiWiki 15.2, InnoDB, MySQL Full Text Search

I have used PluginList with some success on trackers, now I am trying to use it with Wiki Pages.

According to the documentation:

Copy to clipboard
{LIST()} {filter type="wiki page"} {filter field="title" content="foo"} {LIST}

should show
Filter wiki pages with a partial match with some text string such as 'foo'

When I try on my site, I get the response that no pages were found. However if I change the content string to include an asterisk '*':

Copy to clipboard
{filter field="title" content="foo"}
Copy to clipboard
{filter field="title" content="foo*"}

Then I do get a list of pages with a partial match to 'foo' in the title.

I have rebuilt the search index but that has made no difference to the result, I still need to include the '*' in my filter string to get a partial match.

Troubleshooting for List suggests trying
and that also fails to find any pages. The search appears to be looking for an "exact" match rather than a "partial" match to the title. If set the content filter exactly equal to a page name, not a partial match, it does find the page.

Is it a simple case that the documentation is incorrect, or is it a problem with my version of tiki wiki or is it a problem with the way I am creating the filter?

Is anyone successfully using PluginList filtering on Wiki Page Titles? If yes, how are you constructing your filter?

Thank you,


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