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Features / Usability

User Modules - all hidden are displayed

posts: 29 Canada

When one or more modules have their visibility set to "Not displayed until a user chooses it" by the admin, the first time a user goes to modify their modules, all of the hidden modules become visible, and the user has to manually remove the ones they do not want.

Is this a bug? Can I make it so these unselected ones behave as normal? I'm using 1.8 and 1.8.1 (test machine). Both exhibit the same behavior.

If there is a work around I'd like to know about it. I find this annoying. I'd like my users to be able to selectively add modules, not selectively remove them. Especially if I give them a long list of modules to choose from.


posts: 1001 Canada

Forgot to say that I checked this and started looking after a fix before I divagated to other stuff. I don't think it will be hard. You can reproduce by resetting a user's modules to default.
Problem must be in usermoduleslib's function create_user_assigned_modules.

posts: 29 Canada

When you say Fixed on HEAD, what does that mean exactly? And on what CVS version?



posts: 1001 Canada

Sorry I realized later this was unusefully technical, I meant this will be fixed for 1.9 version.
There are not really versions in CVS, but "branches". HEAD is the "future" branch, BRANCH-1-8 is the branch for 1.8 that's only for bugfixes. I should probably have fixed on 1.8 though.