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Features / Usability

E-mail notify on watch list

posts: 26

I am having a problem with e-mails from my tikiwiki and am wondering what I am doing wrong.

The notification text and URL looks like this:
The page foo was changed by claborne at
Apr 02, 2004 13:59 You can edit the page following this link:

The URL is not fully qualified so it worn't work for my associates on on my net. Also it just dumps you into the directory for tikiwiki which loads the home page rather than something like what I have below.

What am I doing wrong?

-- C --

posts: 63 United Kingdom

Have you set the server name in the administration > general > Server name (for absolute URIs):

you should set this to duncan.dhcp.sdd.hp.com instead of duncan in your case.

Doing this should allow tiki to constuct URI's properly.


posts: 26

Yes this does fix the fully qualified name issue but the link doesn't contain "tiki-index.php?" rather than "tiki?".

-- C --

> RussWilde:
> Have you set the server name in the administration > general > Server name (for absolute URIs):
> you should set this to duncan.dhcp.sdd.hp.com instead of duncan in your case.
> Doing this should allow tiki to constuct URI's properly.
> RW

posts: 26

Yes this does fix the fully qualified name issue but the link doesn't contain "tiki-index.php?" rather than "tiki?".

-- C --

> RussWilde:
> Have you set the server name in the administration > general > Server name (for absolute URIs):
> you should set this to duncan.dhcp.sdd.hp.com instead of duncan in your case.
> Doing this should allow tiki to constuct URI's properly.
> RW

posts: 63 United Kingdom

I've had a quick look and test of my own system and discovered the same error in my own site.

It looks like someone forgot to complete the URL in the template for that e-mail, here's the fix for it.

edit the tiki/templates/mail/user_notify_wiki_page_changed.tpl file

and change line 3 from




This will correct the problem.

I'll go now and check the bug trackers on sourceforge.net and make sure this features in them somewhere along with the fix (I'll be sure to credit you for finding it 😉).

(UPDATE: Have uploaded the fixed file on a bug tracker)

posts: 63 United Kingdom

An Additional note which came up in the sourceforge site:

The line change mentioned below may produce URL's with double slashes in..

Like tiki//tiki-index.php?page=foo

In which case the template line 3 should probably be changed to:


(Note the lack of slashes)

This will finally correct things, I think.

I believe this double slash occurs based on the server-name which I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm not sure what convention is, but believe that if you include a trailing slash in the servername ie: "http://tikiwiki.org/" then the double slash will occur.

I am waiting for confirmation on this as I am currently upgrading to 1.8.2 and cannot test today.

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