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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

problems after instalation

posts: 4

I have 2 problems
1. after I get all of the setting the way I want them the wiki(content?) and left column modules stop showing up
2. from the get go in the admin menu the General tab never shows anything

I use version 1.7.6
Here's everything I changed from default:
changed login properties
added file galleries to the side thing
added a search module
removed assistant
changed name of homepage
added admin and editor group and asigned permissions

I have tried it on both mozilla firefox and IE 6 and neither work.

I followed the instrcutions for installing with only FTP access (because I can't access MySQL from anywhere but the site)

This has happened twice to me with 2 separate instalations both had the same results. at first I assumed it was because something messed up in the upload so the second time I uploaded the file and extracted it from the shell.

If anyone could help that would be great.

Thank you,

posts: 1001 Canada

Hi Jake,
The problem of Admin General not showing up happens frequently, usually being due to too low PHP memory_limit. What is yours? If it's OK, you could also try 1.8.1.
One thing I wasn't sure to understand is did this page ever worked (and then broke) in your install? I'm asking because you say "changed name of homepage ".
Thanks for the good description, maybe you'll get a faster answer asking first on IRC #tikiwiki.

It's a pleasure if I could help.

posts: 4

> Chealer9:
> Hi Jake,
> The problem of Admin General not showing up happens frequently, usually being due to too low PHP memory_limit. What is yours? If it's OK, you could also try 1.8.1.
> One thing I wasn't sure to understand is did this page ever worked (and then broke) in your install? I'm asking because you say "changed name of homepage ".
> Thanks for the good description, maybe you'll get a faster answer asking first on IRC #tikiwiki.
> It's a pleasure if I could help.

Thanks cheeler9,

It appears my memory_limit is 40M. And the wiki did work when I first installed and logged in as admin, soon as I change things(I suspect when I change the modules) it just disapears.

Thanks for the tip on using IRC, I will have to look into it.

Thanks again,

posts: 4

Oops, I forgot to ask, what server can I find the #tikiwiki channel on?

Also, I have been having trouble installing 1.8.1 it basically just wont work, I should probably try again since this isn't working at all, but I fear I will have the same results as the other two times I attempted.

Here's the basic steps I take when Installing it:
-Upload the files
-set the database with phpmyadmin using tiki.db
-change the php file in the db folder and upload
-go to page in webbrowser(There are a bunch of errors and it says I havent installed anything yet)
-So I click on button to install stuff and put in my database info again and tell it to set things up
-attempt to go to idex page again and get a server error, attempt to go to admin page and get same error

I'll just ask about in the irc chanell once I find it I guess though.


posts: 4

> Chealer9:
> Hi Jake,
> The problem of Admin General not showing up happens frequently, usually being due to too low PHP memory_limit. What is yours? If it's OK, you could also try 1.8.1.
> One thing I wasn't sure to understand is did this page ever worked (and then broke) in your install? I'm asking because you say "changed name of homepage ".
> Thanks for the good description, maybe you'll get a faster answer asking first on IRC #tikiwiki.
> It's a pleasure if I could help.

Thanks cheeler9,

It appears my memory_limit is 40M. And the wiki did work when I first installed and logged in as admin, soon as I change things(I suspect when I change the modules) it just disapears.

Thanks for the tip on using IRC, I will have to look into it.

Thanks again,

posts: 4

Oops, I forgot to ask, what server can I find the #tikiwiki channel on?

Also, I have been having trouble installing 1.8.1 it basically just wont work, I should probably try again since this isn't working at all, but I fear I will have the same results as the other two times I attempted.

Here's the basic steps I take when Installing it:
-Upload the files
-set the database with phpmyadmin using tiki.db
-change the php file in the db folder and upload
-go to page in webbrowser(There are a bunch of errors and it says I havent installed anything yet)
-So I click on button to install stuff and put in my database info again and tell it to set things up
-attempt to go to idex page again and get a server error, attempt to go to admin page and get same error

I'll just ask about in the irc chanell once I find it I guess though.


posts: 1001 Canada
  1. tikiwiki is on irc.freenode.net, for more check ConnectingToIrc.

In the steps you described I think that setting permissions step may be missing.