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Features / Usability

Re: Tiki attaching :80 to HTTPS URLs

posts: 20 United States

This is a serious error, and I am happy to find two others with the exact same problem. Google now penalizes sites that are not HTTPS. I appreciate the workarounds presented in this thread, but this needs to get the attention of the devs. I suspect that not many tikiwiki sites are running on HTTPS, but this one is.

My situation is:

  • I had my site working on HTTPS with Tiki 14
  • Upgraded to Tiki 18, which required a move to a new webserver.
  • Installed to a new webserver with PHP7, imported my old database and files.
  • I had to disable HTTPS in the preferences on the old site so that I could configure it on the new site before I had the new SSL cert up and running.
  • Then I was able to complete the setup and database upgrade.
  • Activating https worked well, but I've spent hours trying to troubleshoot why :80 keeps getting injected, and why the preferences don't let me set 443 as the port for HTTPS.

I wonder if it is because the setup steps that create the .htaccess file were done in HTTP mode, and I wonder if I redo the setup configuration again, now that HTTPS is functioning, that maybe it will get configured correctly. This sounds like a better solution to me than the workaround above.

posts: 20 United States

Thanks, but "Protect all sessions with HTTPS" was already checked. I tested with it checked and unchecked and it makes no difference. I think the core problem is that tikiwiki insists on using port 80 for SSL and doesn't let me change it. Here is video proof:

posts: 20 United States
My issue is fixed in Tiki 20
posts: 1633 Canada
Doug Higby wrote:
My issue is fixed in Tiki 20

Yes! Thanks for following up!