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Features / Usability

Authentication Against Active Directory

posts: 27 Australia

Hi all...

Has anyone got TikiWiki authenticating against Active Directory successfully.

I've tried getting it working using the instructions in this FAQ here:


but with no luck. It's hard to tell where or why it's falling over because there are no logs to examine of the LDAP connection in 2k server.

Anyone got any suggestions? I'm using tikiwiki version 1.8.


posts: 2881 United Kingdom


Maybe people have it working correctly. A recent attempt was using PAM i believe. Some new commits to the CVS code in HEAD branch have got it going using this method.


posts: 27 Australia

Okay, PAM isn't really a help to me on IIS, but surely there's gott be a better way to do this. The link to the LDAP thing didn't work. Should webserver authentication work under IIS, or not?


> Damian:
> Yeah,
> Maybe people have it working correctly. A recent attempt was using PAM i believe. Some new commits to the CVS code in HEAD branch have got it going using this method.
> Damian

posts: 27 Australia

Okay, PAM isn't really a help to me on IIS, but surely there's gott be a better way to do this. The link to the LDAP thing didn't work. Should webserver authentication work under IIS, or not?


> Damian:
> Yeah,
> Maybe people have it working correctly. A recent attempt was using PAM i believe. Some new commits to the CVS code in HEAD branch have got it going using this method.
> Damian