Plugin LIST (with tracker) only works for admins
Sorry again for my mistake writing the message in this forum
I would like to ask for help with this problem...
I have a wiki page with the LIST plugin, that shows data from a tracker, which are links to wiki pages. That works ok with adminr permissions, but when a user without administrator permission, the page opens, but can not find any data, this is the message that appears: "no search results"
Why the LIST plugin only find results when the query is done by an administrator??
Thi's the code in the wiki page
Copy to clipboard
{LIST()} {pagination max="1000"} {filter field="tracker_id" content="8"} {filter type="trackeritem"} {sort mode="tracker_field_cbdActivitat_asc"} {OUTPUT(template="table")} {column field="ref_1" label="Activitat" mode="raw"} {column field="ref_2" label="Descripció" mode="raw"} {column field="ref_3" label="Pàgina" mode="raw"} {tablesorter server="n" sortable="type:reset" tsortcolumns="type:text|type:text|type:text" tsfilters="type:text;placeholder:Escriu aquí per cercar...|type:text;placeholder:Escriu aquí per cercar...|type:text;placeholder:Escriu aquí per filtrar..." tspaginate="max:25"} {OUTPUT} {FORMAT(name="ref_1")}{display name="tracker_field_cbdActivitat"}{FORMAT} {FORMAT(name="ref_2")}{display name="tracker_field_cbdDescripcio" default="sense descripció"}{FORMAT} {FORMAT(name="ref_3")}{display name="tracker_field_cbdPagina" format="objectlink" format="trackerrender" default="no disponible"}{FORMAT} {LIST}
Thank you very much and greetings