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Images corrupted or deleted during upgrade from 17.1 to 18.1

posts: 27

Hello, I recently upgraded from 17.1 to 18.1 and was flabbergasted to find hundreds of images had been corrupted or deleted. I've been using tikiwiki since 2007 or thereabouts, and this is the first time that I have had this problem.

When we were given the choice between storing images in the database or as files in a folder during one of the upgrades a few years ago, I first chose database, but then read somewhere that this was not advisable if you have many images (we have over 4000 and expect more), so I changed to files in folder storage. Before, files stored in the wiki_up folder were stored under their original file names and extensions, but I noticed that now they are stored as strings of characters with no extensions. This means that although I backed up the wiki_up folder, I cannot use those nonsense files to reinstall the now missing or corrupted files.

There seems to be no rhyme or reason to which image files were touched and which were not.

Example of corrupted image: http://www.takawiki.com/tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=7&fileId=741

Does anyone know how to prevent this happening in the future? I'll certainly be keeping separate back-ups of all image files from now on, but there must be a better way.

Thank you,

posts: 27

Hello Bernard,

I'm still not certain what caused the scrambling. We went through and deleted a couple hundred of the most corrupted images, but you can see a few still, such as this one: http://www.takawiki.com/tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=7&fileId=538

I have not done an upgrade since the last and am concerned about doing it until I find out what went wrong with the last one.

Thanks for you help!


posts: 8654 France

Hi Jen,

I understand your concern but we all know the first ordinance: "What ever you do, do a fresh backup before doing it". 😊

So please do a backup of your images (and tiki db).

It is possible Tiki corrupted image while uploading them but it is not possible for Tiki to corrupt them while just looking at them.

What I would do:

  • Do backup
  • Upgrade your Tiki to the last 18.2
  • Upload an image and check

If all good, now your next step is to track the corrupted image and upload a new version.

Hope this help

posts: 27

Hello Bernard,

Yes, I did do a backup, but I hadn't realized that at some point the tiki software stopped uploading files into the "wiki_up" folder as their original .jpg files and started saving them as files with different names and without extensions. When I did my backup, I downloaded the "wiki_up" file to my desktop as always. However, those files cannot be opened by any program that I've tried.

After the upgrade I tried re-uploading from my backup several times without any luck.

Now that I'm wiser I've gone into the wiki and saved all of the files individually by downloading them one by one from their individual pages as .jpg files and I will keep up with new files added by my editors, but since the files are still saved as strings of data, I imagine I will have to re-upload them individually again in the future if this goes wrong again.

Do you know if there is some way to have them saved in the "wiki_up" folder as their original file name? Is this a side-product of using the gallery feature?

Thank you for your time,

posts: 8 Canada

I am having similar issues after upgrading to 18.2. My only difference is that I did a fresh install into a new directory and downloaded my files/img folders to my desktop from the old site into the new. All the image links are broken and most are corrupted. Thumbnails are 90% ok.

I have over 800 images/files and can't really spend the time re-uploading them like Jen did, above.