no image, no thumbnails-why? Posted by BeN 20 Aug 2003 13:40 GMT-0000 posts: 13 when i upload images in my gallery, i don't get no image nor thumbnail... why? it still reads the picture's size allright? anyhint ?
Posted by andrew 21 Aug 2003 14:19 GMT-0000 posts: 5 Hi bnuz Without too much to go on, I would guess that it might be due to the not compiling the gd library into php (or if windows not enablinging its extension). The file is there on your server, but the thumbnail isn't being created. I'm a tikiwiki newbie, so I may be completely wrong!! Cheers Andrew
Posted by Pat VDV 27 Aug 2003 22:34 GMT-0000 posts: 224 Check in your phpinfo() that your PHP was compiled with GD extension. Regards, Pat.
Posted by Guy Thomas 18 Sep 2003 22:51 GMT-0000 posts: 12 I've got the problem too. I've checked phpinfo() and that says GD is there. Every way I try it says the upload is ok but no thumbnail and no picture shows. But I do get a lovely big error message. I've been on this for hours 'cos I need it! 😧
Posted by liangeh 17 Mar 2005 09:42 GMT-0000 posts: 9 Hi. I hope it is fine to post the same content at different threads, so that more people can share the info. ********************************************************************* I faced the same problem. I have PHP Version 4.3.10 Gd Version: bundled (2.0.28 compatible), and tikiwiki 1.8.4. I have several tiki sites hosted at the same server. All the while they are perfectly running. The problem arised at one site after my hosting company changed the hosting and database password of that site, and i changed the password at db/local.php accordinggly. Since then, all broken image links appeared at the image gallery. Here my troubleshooting effort would like to share: 1. I suspected header sent to IE may be the problem. But, i tested on Mozilla, same problem. 2. show_image.php, i uncomment the header codes as below: //header("Content-type: $type"); //header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=".$imagegallib->filename); echo "$imagegallib->image"; browser can show binary data. This proves that the imagegallib can pull data from file system, but, browser cannot render it. Any expert on Header can help!? 3. Someone suggested to clear the template_c, and problem still remain. 4. Someone suggested that permission to show_image.php may be incorrect. Confirmed permission is not an issue. 5. Imagegallib.php. First, i uncomment the header and echo codes in show_image.php as below: //header("Content-type: $type"); //header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=".$imagegallib->filename); //echo "$imagegallib->image"; In the Imagegallib.php, instead of writing to image property, i output it to browser. Confirmed that binary image data is successful pull out. I even compared it with the another image binary at another ok site. Confirmed it is the image data. function readimagefromfile($fname) { ... //$this->image= fread($fp,$size); echo fread($fp,$size); ... } 6. I suspect Fread may be the problem. So, i also use readfile(), file_get_contents() to substitute fread. Same image binary can be pull out. Let me know if you need further information. Liang Ee Hang
Posted by liangeh 17 Mar 2005 16:14 GMT-0000 posts: 9 I solved my problem. I found our that any empty line after ?> will cause the broken link problem in Image Gallery. Check all the called php pages with crimpson editor or any editing tool and remove the empty line.