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Features / Usability

Re: Re: Two sites (sort of) using the one tiki?

posts: 27 Australia


Well, we're getting closer, now it seems you guys have a fairly good grasp of what I want to do.

What would be an interesting thing to try would be to pair an idea like this with the mechanism used in RecipeMultiTiki. But instead of using the http virtual host headers to point tikiwiki at a particular database, rather assign one of two groups with the same perms (or more maybe) as anonymous, thereby setting up the possibility of defining things for different entry points automatically, based on group membership.

Anyone care to guess at how hard/possible this is. I'm no coder and my knowledge of PHP, and my time are limited, but I could have a closer look sometime down the track.


> RussWilde:
> !!Have you considered using group homepages?
> Stay with me on this one. It's a long post but I think it hits on all the things you want. There is a summary at the bottom.
> 1.8.2 includes this feature which will redirect users to a wiki home


> yes, no, Maybe?
> RW

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